Year 6L - Miss Line Class News

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Miss Bates - 21 Jun 2024

Well done year 6 for a fantastic week back after the Isle of Wight. We’ve jumped right back into learning and you have all adjusted very well.

In English this week, we have finished our letter from ‘Stanley’ to his mum while he has been away at camp green lake (from our core text: Holes).

In shared reading, we have been looking at summarising and ordering events as well as skimming and scanning the text to retrieve information to help us make a fact file on Yellow-Spotted Lizards.

In maths, we have finished up our learning on futures and will begin to look at our new topic ‘bakeries’ where the children will be working with money, ratios, volume etc to apply their skills to real life scenarios.

In geography this week, the children have researched the Chihuahuan desert and made a presentation on the information they found. They have also found the latitude and longitude of different locations in and around Mexico.

In science this week, the children have looked at how to save energy and have made posters to present this information. They have also researched fossil fuels and how this impact the environment.

Please remember our shared learning date has moved to Tuesday 25th June due to many of the children being away for transition days. This session will run from 1:45-2:45 and you will be more than welcome to visit the bake sale before you exit the school.

I hope you all have a lovely weekend and I will see you back in school on Monday.
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