


Brady Primary School follow Read, Write Inc as their phonics scheme of work. Our aim is to develop pupils to become fluent decoders, who then develop into confident readers. Children are assessed and stream for these lessons according to their ability. Children are sent home ‘Book Bag Books’ which correlate with their learning in school. This means books and ditties will be sent home with sounds that your child will already be able to decode independently.

Please find below useful links for more information regarding Read, Write, Inc

RWI parent/carer’s phonics youtube page:






Oxford Owl

Once children become fluent in their decoding skills, they move onto the Oxford Reading Tree levelled books. This scheme will be followed up until the time that children leave us in Year 6. These stories ensure children are exposed to a breadth of varied genres during their time at Brady.

Below is a link to the Oxford Owl website, which includes advice for supporting your child in their reading at home.
Please click on the appropriate age range to access this.

Reading for pleasure

At Brady Primary, we are extremely fortunate to have a much loved and well stocked school library. The children visit the library at least once a week, where they are able to select a book of their choice to take home and enjoy. For children in EYFS and KS1, much of learning to read stems from being read to, and as such it is encouraged that the children have an opportunity to enjoy these stories with their adults at home. Children in Key Stage 2 should also have the opportunity to hear and be heard reading aloud. To improve comprehension skills, we use VIPERs question stems.
Links to these can be found below for both Key Stages, and are always useful to have to hand when reading with your child.

  -KS1 Reading VIPERS.pdf-  

  -KS2 Reading VIPERS.pdf-  

Please also find below documents with suggested reading lists for each year group. These are supplemented with reading lists for topic books for each of our Cornerstones Curriculum topic.

  -Recommended books for Early Years Foundation stage.pdf-        -Reception topic book list.pdf-  

  -Recommended books for Year 1.pdf-                                            -Year 1 topic book list.pdf-  

  -Recommended books for Year 2.pdf-                                            -Year 2 reading list.pdf-  

  -Recommended books for Year 3.pdf-                                           -Year 3 topic book list.pdf-  

  -Recommended books for Year 4.pdf-                                           -Year 4 topic book list.pdf-  

  -Recommended books for Year 5.pdf-                                           -Year 5 topic book list.pdf-  

  -Recommended books for Year 6.pdf-                                               -Year 6 topic book list.pdf-  

Common Exception Words

Please find below a list of Common Exception words for each year group. These are words that children should be able to read and spell. Year 1 Common Exception Words have been broken down further to give an understanding of when they will be covered in the RWI scheme (referred to as Red Words).

  -Year 1 common exception words progression.pdf-  

  -Year 1 common exception words.pdf-  

  -Year 2 common exception words.pdf-  

  -Year 3 4 common exception words.pdf-  

  -Year 5 6 common exception words.pdf-  


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Parental Consultations on Wednesday 26th March, 2025. Children do not attend school.
School will finish early on Friday 4th April. Children go home at 1:15pm.
Easter holidays: Monday 7th April - Monday 21st April inclusive.
Children return to school on Tuesday 22nd April.

(Please note, post, emails and voicemail messages are not monitored over holiday periods.)
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