
School Nurse - Virtual Drop-in Sessions
Description:The School Nursing team has asked us to forward the following (please see poster for details)

Due to COVID19 we are unable to offer at present face to face themed drop ins. Over the coming weeks/months we will be able to offer virtual drop in sessions for parents on a variety of subjects.
Thurrock Fostering
Flu Nasal Spray
Description:Information provided by Vaccination UK regarding the safety and effectiveness of the flu vaccine nasal spray.
Keeping Healthy Information Sheet
Description:Information sheet for parents - ideas and suggestions to help support the learning, health and emotional wellbeing of children and families during this time
Coronavirus poster for children
Description:Explains in a child-friendly way what coronavirus is and what children can do to help.
Parent Support Group Sessions
Allery Chart for Pancake Day
Description:On Tuesday 25th February pancakes will be on the dessert menu. Please see attachment for product information.
Amended Allergy Chart from HES (Jan 2020)
Description:The following amendments have been made to the allergy chart - sultana rice and Amsterdam cake both now may contain nuts and peanuts due to lupin being present in the dishes.
School Dinner Menu, October 2019-March 2010
Description:Menu, Pictures, Carbohydrate and Allergy charts for the period October 2019 to March 2020
SIMS Parent App Lite
Description:Information on how to keep your child's data up-to-date using your smartphone, tablet or PC
School meal price increase
As from September 2019 school meals will be increasing from £2.20 to £2.25.
Dinner Menu April-Oct 2019
Description:3 week dinner menu plus allergy and carbohydrate charts
Tesco School Uniform Embroidery Service - change of Supplier
Dinner Menu - Master Allergy Chart Spring/Summer 2018
Description:Product information for school dinner menu valid up until October 2018 half term.
Draft Commissioning Plan for Education Provision 2019-2023
Description:Havering Council has now published its draft commissioning plan for education provision 2019-2023.

Find attached the draft plan and the survey links where views and comments can be made by completing the consultation survey online;

· https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/parentsview for parents or

· https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/EduStakeholders for education providers, headteachers,
school staff, Governors, local resident or other stakeholders.
The council wants to hear your views. The survey will only take 10-15 minutes to complete.
Height and Weight Checks for Y6 children
Description:Information concerning the National Child Measurement Programme. A hard copy of this letter is also being sent home with the children. The School Nurse will be at Brady on Tuesday 2nd October in the morning to undertake this programme.
Foundation Sports - Before & After School Clubs - first half of Autumn Term 2018
Description:Information on before and after school clubs provided by Foundation Sports. This can also be found under the "Extended Schools" tab, and then "Sports Clubs", on our website.
Guitar Summer School
Description:Mr Engel is running a summer school for our guitar students. Please see link for further details.
Free School Meal Eligibility
Havering School Catering - Dinner Menu, April-Oct 2018
Description:Three week dinner menu for period April-October 2018
Online Payments
Description:Some information about our new online payments facility for school trips etc ...
School Dinner menu 30th Oct 2017 - 29th Mar 2018
Description:3 choice dinner menu plus allergy and carbohydrate charts
Parents' Consultation Evenings, November 2017
Year 5's Stubbers Visit, April 2018
Description:Information regarding Y5's visit to Stubbers in April 2018 and the required deposit, plus the meeting date on 18th October 2017.
Ofsted Inspection - letter to parents and guide
Description:Ofsted letter to parents regarding inspection on 24th & 25th January
Premier Sport - Summer Holiday Camps
Description:Information on where, when and how to enroll for active summer fun for your child led by Premier Sport.
Havering Music School's "Come & Try" evening
Description:Please find attached a flyer regarding the ‘Come & Try’ evening at Havering Music School on Monday 4th July, 5.30 – 7.30 pm. This is aimed at children of year 3 and above.

Please note, you do not need to book a place, just turn up.
SMASH Camps - May half-term activities at Stubbers
Description:Stubbers Adventure Centre are hosting a Parents go free day on the 30th May - bank holiday Monday.
It’s part of Stubbers SMASH holiday camp for May half term.

They offer a range of outdoor adventure activities to keep your pupils active over the summer. SMASH camps are not-for-profit so all of their income is ploughed back into their community facility for continual improvement.

See attached a flyer for May half term activities.
May Half Term Sports and Activities
Description:Havering Health & Sports Development Team and the Havering Arts Team have developed a programme of various sports and activities for children this May half term. Please see booklet for details.
Revised Allergy Chart, Havering School Meals
Description:Just to keep you updated, we have changed the Jelly we use to ensure that vegetarian pupils are able to consume this dessert. This also means that the Jelly we are now going to be using has no allergens attached to it, unlike the previous Jelly we were using.
Student Resource Centre Leaflet
Description:Home based tuition programme for English, Maths and Reading
Revised School Dinner Menu for 2nd Nov-24th Mar 2016
Description:Correction to W/C dates
School Dinner Procedures + Menu
Description:Covering letter and menu for kitchen launch on 15th June 2015
Healthy School
Details regarding Tuck Shop and Packed Lunches
Description:As we open our new school kitchen the school is encouraging us all to have a renewed focus on healthy choices.
Choir Club for Years 4,5,6.
Led by Miss Emily Hope, as from January 2015
Guitar Lessons
Years 1- 6
Description:Stuart Masters letter for Spring term, 2015
Parent Consultation Evenings, November 2014
Years 1,2,3,4,5,6.
Description:Parents appointment request letter.
Free School Meals (Pupil Premium)
Free funding for Brady
Description:From 3rd November a new portal for checking eligibility is launched. Please visit and see if you are entitled (and the school can claim) for extra funds.

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Monday 14th October 10.00am
Wednesday 6th November 3.45pm
Wednesday 27th November 9.30am

No appointment necessary - please arrive promptly at times given above.
Tours last about 1 hour.
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