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Miss Bates - 15 Sep 2023

Welcome to Year 6!
Its been wonderful to get to know this class over the last week and I’m so impressed with how hard they have all been working. We spent some time last week going over some expectations for year 6 as we have a busy year ahead and we managed to get into the swing of things pretty quickly.
Our history topic for the half term is ‘Revolution’ and lots of our work has pertained to the Victorian era. In English, we have started our core text ‘Street Child’ by Berlie Doherty, examining our main characters (Jim) life and his possible thoughts/ emotions at different points in the text. We have been able to take our learning outside our classroom where we have been creating a ‘role on the wall’ all about Jim. Our learning this week has prepared us for our diary entry we will be writing next week in the perspective of our main character.
In maths, we have started our first topic of the year – place value. The children have been reminded of their year 5 work, looking at comparing, ordering and rounding numbers up to 10,000,000. We have finished this topic off with negative numbers, focusing specifically on crossing from positive to negative numbers as well as number lines.
Our science topic this half term is ‘electricity’, the children have recapped their prior learning from year 4 and have put this to the test by creating a simple circuit to light a bulb. We also considered some more challenging questions and created theories about what would happen if we changed the number of batteries/ bulbs in our circuit.
We enjoyed starting our history topic off this half term looking at Victorian crime and punishment, using our justifications for why certain crimes were worst than others and what punishments should be handed out.
The children know our expectations for year 6 are for them to read 5 times a week (signed in their reading record by an adult), and to access Timestable Rockstars 5 times a week, 5 minutes a time. I will add the current spellings to this webpage, however, the children have a paper copy and these will be available on EdShed.
PE day is Thursday. I have also sent out the newsletter and homework map for this half term, I will attach a copy to this document incase they did not make their way home/ got lost en route. I would love to see any homework and display this around the class room so please encourage children to bring this in to show myself and Mrs Agates!

Well done for a fantastic week and a half back at school Year 6! Keep up the brilliant work.

  -Challenge words 2-V400952587.pdf-  

   -Autumn 1 homework map-V400952559.docx-  

  -Autumn 1 newsletter-V400952559.docx-  


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