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Miss Bates - 01 Dec 2023

We have had a great week in year 6!
In English, we have spent some time looking at grammar skills (subordinating/ co-ordinating conjunctions and past progressive/ perfect tense). We have started looking at features of a newspaper article and have acted out a scene that we could write our newspaper article about e.g. a crash in the Arctic. When we come to writing these up, we are going to be including our newly developed skill of conjunctions and varying types of past tense.
In maths, we have been looking at metric and imperial measures, we have spent a lot of time focusing on converting units and we have said the best way to do this is by gaining practical experience! If you’re looking for some additional homework this weekend, I was suggest getting your child in the kitchen and getting them measuring/ weighing amounts, or getting them to measure items around your home (making sure they estimate first). I will attach some recipes with mass/ capacity amounts as well as some measurement activities that can all be done at home – enjoy!.
In science this week, we have finished our observations of how mould grows and the conditions which are best for this (thank goodness) and looked at spore dispersal through asexual reproduction. To look at this in person, we placed a mushroom face down on a piece of paper, then place another mushroom face down, 1cm above a piece of paper to look at how the spores disperse.
In geography this week, we looked at indigenous people to the Arctic and how sustainable their lives are. We looked at Nenets and how they use reindeer to sustain them in all aspects of their lives (money, food, shelter).
As it snowed today, the children also spent a bit of time outside enjoying the cold weather (pictures attached below). As always, please continue to read 5 times a week – reading record needs to include the name of the text (levelled book only), the page numbers read and a comment and signature from an adult. Children should also be accessing TTRS for 5 minutes at least 5 times a week. Children who are on TTS 5 times receive house points from myself, those that are on for 7 times a week will be able to choose a sweet from the sweet box on a Monday. Both reading and timetables knowledge are extremely important for the children to develop knowledge and allows them to access more challenging questions – this is also vital for SATs and for preparing for year 7.

I hope you all have a fantastic weekend! 
  -Measurement homework.pdf-  




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