Miss Bates - 27 Jan 2023
We have been very busy this week so we'll done year 6 for working so hard through it all!
In English, we have been looking at poems around WW1, looking at different styles and how to implement fantastic language within our own. We will be moving onto writing our own poems next week, drawing on all the information we have gained this week.
In maths, we have continued our work with ratios, looking at scale factors with shapes and applying our knowledge to recipes. The children have been working very hard with this so well done!
In science, we continued our work with light but looked at 'refraction' and how light travels differently through materials of different density. The children completed some very intresting just with a glass of water! This very impressive glass of water made our arrows change direction and made our drawings invisible.
In history, we recapped how the First World War started and why other countries were involved in an event which originated with Austria-Hungary and Serbia. The children enjoyed acting this out before moving onto look at life within the trenches. Some of the class were surprised to learn about the momentary pause of fighting between Britain and Germany during the First World War on Christmas Day, and the game of football the two sides had. The children watched the Sainsbury's Christmas advert from 2014 to see all the facts they had just learnt come to life.
We were also lucky enough to visit Harris Secondary School on Tuesday where we had a brilliant music lesson using dejembe drums. The children really enjoyed this and had the opportunity to perform their music to the rest of the class!
As always, new spellings have gone out today as well as new homework (hyphens) which will be due back on Friday. The children are expected to be reading 5 times a week to an adult and using their timestable rockstars.
I hope you all have a wonderful weekend and look forward to seeing you back on Monday!