Year 6L - Miss Line Class News

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Miss Bates - 19 Apr 2024

Well done year 6 for a great week back at school.
We have been working very hard this week in preparation for our upcoming SATs (13th – 16th May) and I am very proud of the continuous effort from everyone. In maths this week, we have been learning about different angles and applying this knowledge to find missing angles in different types of triangles. Next week, we will continue with this topic, looking at angles in quadrilaterals as well as different polygons to finish off our topic.
We have been doing lots of reading practise reading for our SATs as well, focusing on inference skills and exam techniques e.g. ‘find and copy a phrase’ means a couple of words.
In science this week, we have started our topic of evolution and inheritance looking at why offspring are similar but not identical to their parents. We proved this by creating our own Mr Men and Little Miss characters, taking features from each parent.
In history, we looked at African kingdoms and empires, looking at features such as if they traded gold, built stone buildings, developed writing or followed a religion.

We also went on our school trip to Purfleet Heritage and Military Centre where we learnt about our local history during the first and second World War. The children were able to ask experts questions and try on the uniforms from the time period.

Please note, our new PE day will now be on Fridays. The children should wear their swimming costume in the morning with their PE kit on top. In a separate bag, they should bring a towel, underwear and a swimming hat (all children require a swimming hat, so please ensure they have one with them), children can also bring goggles if they wish.

New spellings have been sent out today, however as we did this in the afternoon, we did not have time to write the scores on these – these will be handed out on Monday. Please continue to read 5 times a week (this needs to be signed by an adult) and play on TTRS for 5 minutes, 5 days a week.

I will attach some of the same websites from before Easter holidays – please make use of these in the lead up to SATs.

Have a lovely weekend






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