Year 6L - Miss Line Class News

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Miss Bates - 19 Jan 2024

Well done year 6 for a brilliant week!

We have started our algebra topic this week, focusing on function machines, forming expressions and substitution. The children have been using multilink cubes to help visualise this and have had a great start to the topic. I will attach some helpful links below if anyone is looking to do some extra work at home.

In English, we have started writing our setting description for what we see when we open the red door in our ‘Journey’ book. We have looked at some key skills such as expanded noun phrases and active and passive voice. We are focusing on just describing our senses without our writing becoming a narrative. Most children have finished their first draft and have begun editing – I am looking forward to reading their final drafts next week!

In history this week, we went from looking at the causes that led to the build up of WW1 to the start of WW1, focusing on the alliances between countries and different strategies each country had.

In science this week, we have taken our knowledge of reflection and looked at how it would work to allow us to see through a periscope.

In art last week, we looked at how lines can be used to create abstract pieces, this week our focus was on how colour could achieve this. The children have chosen certain colours which they can see in a given picture, and have recreated their own abstract piece by looking only using certain shapes and their given colours.

This week a few letters have gone home with children. One letter is about Isle Of Wight, it details the price of the trip (which is now live on Squid) and how to make payments. If your child will be joining us on this trip, please make a singular payment on Squid (of any amount) by February 9th. You will then have until the week before we travel (Monday 3rd June) to complete the final payment. You are able to deposit as many payments as needed between now and June, in whichever amount you would like. The price listed is the total for the trip including travel, food, accommodation, excursions etc. Please log into your squid account to see and make payments, if you have not received this letter, please let me know and I can send home another one.

I have also sent home SATs results from the 2018 paper the children sat before Christmas. This letter is sealed and addressed to adults. Children have not been told these results as they are used by myself and Mrs Agates to track progress and look for areas of learning which may require further practise. Please use your own discretion as to whether you would like your child to know these results or not. As I discussed with some of you at parents meetings, some children will lose confidence from learning their results and others will lack motivation to continue trying their best as they may already be at Expected Standard. If you do tell your child their results, please remind them not to discuss this with their peers to avoid potential upset.

As always, children should be accessing TTRS for 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week along with reading aloud to an adult. New spellings have been given out this week, their results from todays spellings are written on their sheet. I hope you all have a restful weekend and I will see you back on Monday!






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