Miss Bates - 30 Sep 2022
Year 6 have been working extremely hard this week, especially when learning about 'healthy eating'. We have been learning about foods that contain fibre and what different colour vegetables can do for our body! The children were able to think of a variety of fruits and vegetables to represent the colour wheel and have applied the skittle slogan of 'taste the rainbow' to their five a day.
To conclude our week of healthy eating, the children were delighted to make salsa and ate this with wholemeal pitta bread!
We developed our cutting skills with tomatoes and garlic, and I'm sure the children will all be happy to now help out with dinners at home (good luck adults!)
For next week (Monday 3rd - Friday 7th), the school will be celebrating our Harvest collection with donations going to the local food bank. Any tins or unopened packets of dried food will be collected, by myself, throughout the week and any donations would be greatly appreciated.
Just a reminder that new spellings have gone home today, along with a maths homework sheet. This needs to be completed and returned on or before next Friday, please encourage any children struggling with this to come and see me before Friday so we can look at any problems together.
As always, the children should be reading at home a minimum of five times a week, and getting this signed by an adult.
Have a wonderful weekend!