Year 6L - Miss Line Class News

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Miss Bates - 24 Feb 2023

Well done Year 6 for a great week back after half term!

In English, we have been looking at speech and how we can advance the action by using it. We have recapped the punctuation used within speech and the rules we need to abide by when using it within our writing (e.g. new speaker - new line, etc).

In maths, we are finishing up our algebra topic and will now be starting our decimals topic. Below, I will attach some documents for at-home practice of algebra.

We have moved onto our new topic in science this week: ‘animals including humans’. We started off our topic by looking at the heart in more detail, focusing on how it pumps blood around the body and what the blood is doing as it goes around the body. We demonstrated the contracting and pumping of the heart by pressing down on a balloon pulled over a cup of juice and watching the juice pump out of the straws (pictures attached).

In history, we have continued with our topic of ‘Britain at war’ and have built on our knowledge of the end of WW1 and how this led into the start of WW2. The children have looked at the causes of WW2 and the knock-on effects these have had on each other.

Thank you to all those who came to shared learning, it was a great help to have the extra hands to help thread the needles and the children all really enjoyed showing what they were doing.

I have sent home new spellings today, as always, reading and TTRS for 10 minutes a day, 5 days a week. There has been no homework sent out today, but if you would like to complete any at home, please use the resources on the website as well as the worksheets below this entry for additional practice.

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

  -Algebra worded problems.pdf-  

  -Algebra worksheet 1 answers.pdf-  

  -Algebra worksheet 1.pdf-  















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