Miss Bates - 25 Nov 2022
Well done year 6 for a great week of learning!
We have been spending our week covering fractions again, this time looking at multiplying fractions by integers and other fractions. I'm so impressed with how hard you have all been working and the determination you have shown! We have started to move onto dividing fractions and will be looking at fractions of an amount next week.
In English, we have looked at new skills (colons and apostrophes) and will be looking to incorporate this into our non-chronological reports about the polar regions. The children have really enjoyed using research time to find as many facts as they can to include in their report, using their geography knowledge about sunlight hours as well. I'm looking forward to reading your reports next week year 6! We have also moved onto our next text in reading and are now looking at 'Scott of the Antarctic', which the children seem to be enjoying so far.
In science we have been taking a closer look into some of our kingdoms and have taken an interest into fungi. We have a class experiment currently underway to see which condition will make the mould grow the fastest on the bread. The children have really enjoyed this and have been observing their bread daily for any mould growth.
New homework has been given out today (a comprehension text) and new spellings have also been given out; there seems to be an issue with spelling shed as the minute so everyone has been given a paper copy to take home, I will list the spellings below if anyone has forgotten to take this home. Reading to an adult should take place 5 times a week and times table rockstars should also be accessed for 10 minutes a day for 5 days a week.
Spelling words:
I hope you all have a lovely weekend!