Year 6L - Miss Line Class News

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18 Nov 2022

Well done year 6 for getting the attendance award this week for the first time this term!
It has been lovely to see you all working incredibly hard during maths this week as we have been covering adding and subtracting fractions! We have been spending time converting fractions to share a common denominator before adding/ subtracting (these steps should be followed in their homework).

In English, we have moved onto looking at non-chronological texts as we will be focusing on this genre until Christmas! We have also been looking at key skills such a singular possessive apostrophes and plural possessive apostrophes which we will be looking to include in all of our work.

In Geography this week we have been looking at the impact the Earths axis tilt has on the amount of daylight experienced in both poles!
Thank you, adults, for coming in to discuss the progress your child has made so far in the year, it was lovely to meet you all.
New homework has been given out today which is based around adding and subtracting questions. The children have also been offered a question pack of this same topic with answers attached if they would like to take this home and work through, however this is completely optional. New spellings have been given out and they are on Spelling Shed as well! As always, the children should be on timestable rockstars and reading aloud to an adult for 10 minutes a day, 5 times a week.

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