Year 6L - Miss Line Class News

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Miss Bates - 13 Jan 2023

Well done for a fantastic start to our new half term year 6!

In maths, we have been looking at measurements and have been gaining practical experience with converting between units. The children enjoyed investigating different measurements and completing the challenges they were set! We will be moving onto ratios this coming week.

Our topic this term is ‘Britain at war’ so we have been doing lots of learning around this. In English, we have been reading the book ‘Friend or Foe’ by Michael Morpurgo and looking at the life of the main character, David. We have been focusing on developing our predictions and inference skills based on our knowledge of the text so far.

In history, we will be focusing on WWI for our first half term and will be making comparisons to WWII next half term. We looked at what people would do when they heard zeppelins were overhead and how they were warned of this. We then took covered in another classroom with the lights off and the blinds closed whilst we wrote a diary entry about what was happening and how we felt.

In science we have been looking at light. We used our lesson to discuss how we see and the direction in which light travels. We then completed an experiment to discover that light travels in a straight line.

As always, the children are expected to complete 5 reads a week (of their levelled book) with an adult – page numbers need to be included in order for this read to be counted. Children should also be going onto timestable rockstars 5 times a week for 10 minutes each time. The children have been sent home with new spellings this week but homework, unfortunately was not given out. I will attach some optional ‘measurement’ homework (with answers) to this page for you to access at home for this week.

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend and look forward to our next week of learning!

  -measurement homework-V379809596.docx-  





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