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Miss Bates - 07 Jun 2024
Well done for your first week back year 6!
I am so proud of how hard you have all been working for our last half term together!
We have started a new core text ‘Holes’ and the children have been learning about the main characters (Stanley) life and how he ended up at Camp Green Lake. The children have been summarising and sequencing events in shared reading and have been developing key skills such as expanded noun phrases to use in a letter which they will write after returning from Isle of Wight.
In maths, the children have been applying their knowledge to a new topic called ‘futures’. This involves them looking at salaries and working out how much tax they would be required to pay. They have also started to learn about mortgages/ rent and how bills will be paid. They have been using key skills such as finding percentages and fractions of amounts, ordering numbers and multistep questions.
In science this week, we have been learning about the environment and how we can look after it. The children have researched the best ways to prevent climate change and have written a letter to a local supermarket of their choice, asking them to make greener choices.
In geography this week, the children have been looking at Mexico and have used Atlases to local the country and discover other information such as its capital city, bordering countries etc. They have also been learning about the ancient Maya civilisation and have created a powerpoint use the information they found.
Please remember to arrive at school for 8:00am on Monday morning ready for our trip to Isle of Wight. Adults, please bring with you any medication your child requires in the package it came in with a label stating your childs name and how frequently/ the quantity they take. Please also bring money in a sealed envelop with the childs name on and the amount of money inside. Children can carry up to £10 on their person on Monday, the rest of their money will be given to them at the start of each day.
I will be posting picture updates to the website at the end of each day, so please keep checking in if you would like to see what we have been up to while away!
Please note, the children are not expected to be in school on Friday 14th.
I hope you all have a relaxing weekend and I will see you all bright and early on Monday morning.