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Miss Bates - 03 May 2024
Well done year 6 for another brilliant week at school.
We have been very busy with our SATs revision this week and will continue to be next week.
We finished up our final maths topic of ‘position and direction’ and have begun recapping our prior learning, applying this to worded problems.
In English, we have researched Charles Darwin and why he was an important figure within science. We have looked at key skills in a biography and will be looking to write one about him in the next few weeks.
In science, we have been learning about how plants are adapted to their environment and have used our understanding of different climates to then create our own plant.
In history, we have been learning about events that led to the enslavement of African people, answering questions such as ‘Why were Portugal and Spain so interested in Africa? What was the initial relationship like between Spain, Portugal and Africa? Which different events led to the trade in enslaved African people?’
Well done to those that completed homework sent home for our day off on Thursday. I have sent home more homework to be completed over the weekend/ bank holiday as we only have next week together before the SATs begin. Please keep up all the hard work for the next two weeks - I am so proud of you all!
As always, please continue to read 5 times a week at home and play on TTRS for 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Both of these skills are extremely important for SATs but also as the children progress into secondary school.
I hope you all have a relaxing weekend and enjoy the bank holiday -
please be reminded it it class picture day on Tuesday.
Please enjoy the pictures below of the children having some well-earned, extra playtime.