Miss Bates - 11 Jul 2024
Well done year 6 for another brilliant week left at school – not many more left now!
This week, we have completed our PSHE learning about conception. We have looked at scientific drawings of the male and female reproductive systems, and have labelled the different parts. We have also looked at the development of an embryo to a foetus, considering how their development progresses throughout the weeks. The children have been taught statutory information and have been encouraged to discuss any other questions they may have with adults at home.
The children have been busy rehearsing their end of year performance this week and have done a fantastic job. They have been sent home with a slip of paper stating what clothes they need to bring in for it, if you have any issues finding these items at home, please do not go out of your way to buy them! Just let myself or Mrs Agates know and we can source these for you!
Our computing challenge this half term has been to create a year book so the children have enjoyed each taking on a different role. Next week, we hope to finish this off so that all the pages can be collated and the final product can be giving out.
Just a reminder that the children have their prom on Friday 19
th July and if they want to leave school early, they need to be collected by an adult at 1:15pm. If your child will be collected by another adult, can you please let either myself or Mrs Agates know. Reports will also be given out on Friday, they need to be signed out by an adult for the child.
The year 6 performance will take place on Tuesday 23
rd at 2pm. You will be able to take your child with you as soon as it is finished.
I hope you all have a wonderful weekend.