Miss Bates - 22 Mar 2024
Well done year 6 for a brilliant week at school, we have been very busy trying to get lots of work in before we break up for Easter next week.
In English, we have been writing and editing our diary entry from the perspective of the lady from the poem ‘Lady of Shallot’. We have written about being trapped in the tower, focusing on general emotions and our inner monologue rather than story telling.
In maths, we have finished our topic of ‘Area, Perimeter and Volume’, we have started our new topic of ‘Statistics’ and will be finished with this by the time we break up for Easter. Our Statistics topic will look to focus on line graphs, bar graphs, pie charts and finding the mean of a set of data.
In history, we have continued looking at our WW2 topic and have focused on the ‘Battle of Britain’ and why this was a turning point in the war. We also touched on Anne Frank and why she was an influential person to come from the war and the prejudice Jewish people received.
In science, we have been learning about on how the body transports water and nutrients. We demonstrated osmosis by submerging gummy bears into different liquids and observing how much they have grown in size.
As the school have had ‘Eid’ afternoon, we have created decorations for these during our RE lesson.
Thank you to all those who were able to attend parents’ meetings on Thursday. As discussed, next Thursday all children will go home with a pack of work to complete over Easter – please complete as much of this as possible as it is beneficial for SATs coming up on May 13
As always, please continue to access TTRS 5 times a week and read 5 times a week – this should be signed in reading records by an adult.