Miss Bates - 15 Mar 2024
Well done year 6 for a brilliant week.
We have been very busy this week getting through lots of maths work. Our current topic is perimeter, area and volume. We have been recapping finding the area and perimeter of rectangles and rectangular shapes. We have applied our knowledge of this to finding the area of a triangle. We will continue to practise this as finding the perpendicular height is something we still need to work on.
In English, we have been planning for a diary entry after looking at the beginning of the poem ‘The Lady of Shallott’. We will be writing our diary as if we have been trapped in the tower, explaining why we have been trapped and how we plan to escape.
In science this week, we have been comparing blood vessels and learning about the composition of blood. We showed the flow of blood through a healthy blood vessel compared to an unhealthy one due to fat build up.
In history, we have been learning about the weapons used in WW2 and the advancements of these from WW1.
To celebrate science week, the school have taken part in a ‘jumping jacks’ challenge. Each class around the school have counted how many jumping jacks they can do in 1 minute. Year 6 have had the pleasure of collecting all of the results and finding the mean, median, mode and range for each class.
I hope you all have a restful weekend and will see you back on Monday – please remember to read 5 times a week (this should be signed by an adult), and make sure you are going on TTRS as much as possible to practise your times tables!