Miss Bates - 01 Mar 2024
Well done year 6 for a fantastic week back for our Spring 2 half term. We don’t have a very long one this half term and lots to fit in so we have been very busy!
In English, we have been looking at writing a poem about the war, we have focused war poetry and how we can used figurative language to create imagery. Next week, we will be looking at writing up our poems and presenting these in our poetry readings.
We have been developing our exam skills this week during our comprehension, focusing particularly on SATs style questions. We have been looking at how to find an ‘impression’ from the text, then finding evidence in the text to support these impressions.
In maths this week, we have been looking at finding equivalent fractions, decimals and percentages and using this method to order them. We will be finishing this topic up next week and will begin looking at area, perimeter and volume as our next topic.
In science, we have started a new topic of the heart. We have started this topic off by looking at the role of the heart in the circulatory system and how it works to contract and pump blood around the body. We looked at why blood is needed around the body and what things we might do that would cause our heart to pump faster e.g. exercising. We created a model of the heart by using juice, cups, balloons and straws to show how the heart pumps the blood around the body.
In history, we have looked at how the end of the first World War impacted the start of the second. We have ranked events that lead to the second World War from most important to least important such as the Great Depression hitting the USA and the conditions from the Treaty of Versailles.
Next week, we will be holding mock SATs to ensure the children are familiar with the process and to have our final check in before our real SATs in May. If your child attends SATs boosters in the morning, these will still be in progress across the next week, like normal.
We will also be holding our shared learning next week (Monday 4th March) where we will be looking at our DT topic of ‘Make Do Mend’ and sewing a bookmark. We would love to see adults come in to work with their child if they are able to, however we do ask that only one adult comes for each child, with no siblings that are not of school age.
As always, children should be reading 5 times a week to an adult, along with accessing TTRS. I hope you all have a brilliant weekend and I will see you back on Monday!