Miss Bates - 09 Feb 2024
Well done year 6, another fantastic week.
You have all been working so hard over the course of the week and I’m really proud of you all!
In maths this week, we have been continuing our work with decimals, focusing on multiplying/ dividing decimals by 10, 100, 1,000 as well as by integers. We are approaching the end of this topic and will be starting our new one (fractions, decimals and percentages) before we break for half term. I will attach some worksheets for at home practise for anyone that would like to try them to consolidate learning about decimals.
In English this week, we have been continuing our work for our narrative, focusing on our planning stage and adding as much detail as possible to make our writing process smoother next week when we come to writing our drafts.
In science this week, we have looked at how light changes when passing through a denser material than air, e.g. glass/ water. We conducted experiments to see how an arrow would change direction when passed behind a glass and looked a why this happens.
In history this week, we have looked at timelines and have created one for WW1. The children have ordered events and we have looked at how these battles changed the war.
In DT this week, we have started our ‘make do and mend’ topic by looking at items of clothing and their properties. We discussed why women were encouraged to ‘make do and mend’ during the war and how we could repurpose the clothes we were looking at to create new items.
As always, please continue to read at home and make use of TTRS for 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. I hope you all have a restful weekend to prepare for our last week before half term.
-Divide decimal by whole number.pdf-
-Dividing decimals by 10 100 1000.pdf-
-Grade 5 multiplying decimals 1 digit by whole numbers.pdf-
-Multiplying decimals 2 digit by whole numbers.pdf-
-Multiplying decimals by 10 100 1000.pdf-