Miss Bates - 02 Feb 2024
Well done year 6 for a fantastic week this week!
In maths, we have finished our algebra topic which the children did a brilliant job with. We have now started our decimals topic, we have spent this week covering key vocabulary such as integer, tenth, hundredth etc, as well as rounding. Optional homework was offered out today, this is just to support the current learning happening in our maths lessons. I would love to see this returned at some point over the next week – the children are aware that house points and the prize-box will be offered for completed pieces.
In English, we have been looking at a good version of a narrative and highlighting the key features which make it an interesting read. We have also reminded ourselves of how to punctuate speech with rules like ‘new speaker, new line’. We have progressed to looking at how we can change the formality of our speakers by the type of vocabulary they use.
In shared reading, we have continued with our core text ‘Friend or Foe’ and have looked at whether the main characters, David and Tucky, should help the German pilots they came across or not. We have been focusing on summarising specific points of the text as well as inferring details.
In science this week, we have looked at how shadows change at different points in the day and why this happens, we recreated this moving our torch over our model from east to west, like the sun would move over the horizon.
In history, we looked at the weapons which were used in WW1 and how these impacted the war. We discussed how not all ‘significant achievements’ of mankind are positive ones and the consequences of certain progressions.
In art this week, we have finished up our abstraction topic by recreating a landscape without the typical perspective. The children used solid shapes and bold pastels to add colour.
Have a wonderful weekend, please continue to read 5 times and practise on TTRS for 5 minutes a day, 5 times a week.