Miss Bates - 05 Jan 2024
Welcome back year 6! I hope you all had a wonderful break to rest and prepare for our new term.
We have settled back in, picking back up with our ratio topic in maths; looking at comparing ratios to fractions as well as scale drawings. I am pleased with how much the children have remembered over the holidays so well done!
The children have been tested on their previous spellings and have been given new ones to learn as well. They have been sent home with the normal 10 SpellingsSed spellings as well as 5 from the ‘ninja words’ list, I have uploaded all of these to SpellingShed.
We have started our new science topic this week of ‘light’ and focused our first lesson on how light travels and testing this using torches and tubes.
We have also started our new art topic, focusing on abstract art. The children looked at distortion by taking a premade image and cutting it up to create a new one.
As always, please continue to read 5 times a week (this needs to include page numbers and a signature from an adult), access TTRS and SpellingShed. I hope you all have a restful weekend to prepare for our first full week back.