Miss Bates - 15 Dec 2023
Well done year 6 for a brilliant week!
We have been very busy leading up to our Christmas holidays and the children have worked hard throughout.
The children took part in a rugby tournament between school houses in their last PE lesson of the year, which they all enjoyed. In geography, we have finished our ‘frozen kingdoms’ topic by researching, creating a powerpoint and presenting our findings on the Titanic. We have finished up our PSHE topic of the half-term, which was water safety, by looking at different hazard signs and watching a video clip to decide who was making the sensible choice around water.
In English, we have finished up our newspaper and have had some time to practise our new spellings. As this weeks spelling rule is the suffix ‘ful’, we have added some previous SATs spelling words onto the end so they will have 15 to learn over the holidays rather than the usual 10. The children have taken the spelling sheet home, I have uploaded all words to EdShed and I will attach a copy of them below this post. The test will take place on the first Friday back at school (5th Jan) so the children will have 3 weeks to learn them. I would also encourage children to be practising our year 6 spellings on the ‘ninja spellings’ sheet as this gives them opportunities to spell unseen words (similar to SATs).
We have begun learning our new maths topic (ratio) and will continue with this in the new year. The children have been sent home with some optional (hopefully fun) homework which would be great to see completed in the new year.
If any adults managed to come to our Christmas concert today, we hope you enjoyed! If you were unable to attend, there is another concert taking place on Monday AM. I hope you all have a restful weekend and begin your wind-down for the holidays.
As Tuesday is our last day, we will be finishing at 1:15. Children will need to be collected by an adult – they can not leave school at this time by themselves. If another parent is collecting your child, please write a note, comment in the reading record or email so the teaching staff in year 6 are aware – thank you.
-holiday spellings.docx-