Miss Bates - 17 Nov 2023
Well done for a great week year 6!
In English this week, we have been writing a first draft of our non-chronological report and editing to improve this as much as possible! This is a very different style of writing compared to the first two pieces we have done (diary and setting description) so the children are adapting their writing to make it factual and intriguing.
In maths we have had a busy week of multiplying and dividing fractions. The children found this a lot easier than adding and subtracting fractions as we do not need the denominators to be the same in order to do this. Next week we will finish up our fractions topic by looking at fractions of an amount. On next weeks post, I will upload the consolidation booklet for fractions if you would like to access this at home. Please remember, any additional homework you do at home I would love to see!
In geography this week, we looked at features of different polar landscapes – the children were able to learn about the similarities between an iceberg, glacier, ice field and more.
In science this week, the children have been learning about the Linnaeus system of classifying animals.
It was lovely to see so many of you at parents’ meetings and have the chance to discuss your childs progress. As always, please ensure your children continue to read 5 times a week and access timestable rockstars for at least 5 minutes each time. Reading and timestables at essential to improve writing ability and maths understanding.