Miss Bates - 29 Sep 2023
Well done Year 6 for a fantastic week!
We have finished off our diary entry in English and have spent some time looking at key skills, like expanded noun phrases, to ensure we can use these within our next piece of writing. Over the next two weeks, we will be working towards a setting description, aiming to include literary devices to create atmosphere.
In maths, after revising column method and multistep problems, we have moved onto looking at common factors/ multiples as well as prime numbers. Next week we will be looking at square and cube numbers within our maths if you would like to take a look at these at home to prepare yourselves!
In Science, we have looked at what happens when batteries with high voltage are used within a circuit and the impact this can have on bulbs. We have also discussed the difference between resistors and variable resistors.
For history this week, we have looked at the birth of the industrial revolution and how this came about for example, population increase, implementation of factories etc. We have then discussed which was the most influential factor which lead to the revolution – the children have worked on their reasoning skills to support their answer.
In art, the children have been looking at Lowry and his work on ‘matchstick men’. We have used charcoal to try and create our own characters inspired by these characters.
As always, please continue to read 5 times a week and have this signed by an adult in reading records, along with page numbers. Please also make use of TTRS across the next week, 5 times a week for a minimum of 5 minutes a time. From Monday we will be in a tournament with Year 4 so we need to be on there as much as possible to win!
I hope you all have a lovely weekend and come back refreshed and ready to learn on Monday!
-Challenge words 4.pdf-