Miss Bates - 21 Sep 2023
Well done for a brilliant week year 6! I’m really proud of how hard you have all been working.
In English, we have been working on writing and editing our first draft of a diary entry from the perspective of Jim – our main character from our core text. The children have used our previous planning to focus on his thoughts and emotions during the first few chapters.
In maths this week, we have finished our topic of place value and have moved onto our next topic ‘addition, subtraction, multiplication and division’. We have recapped column method and key terms that could suggest ‘adding’ or ‘subtracting’ along with looking at multistep problems – we have been encouraging to use working out for these types of questions!
In science we have looked at current and voltage and the impact this can have on a circuit. For history, we have looked at Victorian slums and made comparisons between rich houses, poor houses and the slums. We then used our recycled materials (thank you for anyone who brought these in) to create a model of Victorian slums, staying accurate to the features of the time.
Well done for a great week Year 6, please remember to read 5 times a week from your levelled book; get this signed by an adult in your reading record and include the page numbers you have read from and to for each read. We are also in a tournament with year 5 on Timestable Rockstars and they are very close to beating us! Make sure you are going on there as much as possible, a minimum of 5 times a week, for 5 minutes each time is expected. New spellings have been giving out today, these will also be uploaded onto EdShed for you to go through at home – please also make use of the ‘ninja spelling’ sheet that has been given out for some more challenging spelling words. I will attach the spellings and the ninja spelling sheet to this upload for anyone who may need it, I will also attach some optional maths homework if you would like to consolidate your learning at home!
I hope you all manage to have a relaxing weekend and I will see you all back on Monday!
-Challenge words 3.pdf-
-Year 6 Spelling Words.pdf-
-Year 6 Autumn Place Value Consolidation Pack.pdf-
-Year 6 Autumn Place Value Consolidation Pack Answers.pdf-