Miss Bates - 23 Jun 2023
Well done Year 6! You have all worked so hard this week and deserve a well rested weekend. We have started our new core text 'Holes' by making predictions and reading the first four chapters. The children have met the main character Stanley Yelnats and have started to dig deeper into why the boys might have to dig holes all day.
In English, we have been looking at character descriptions and the children have been given spelling words this week based on this. We have been upleveling our descriptions to include expanded noun phrases and literary devices.
In maths this week, we have put our knowledge of measurement to the test by looking for specific heights, lengths and circumferences.
Our topic this half term is 'Hola Mexico' so we have been looking at traditional Mexican celebrations and have designed, made and evaluated pinatas. The children have been working on their teamwork skills and learning to compromise on ideas.
I hope those children going to Harris next week enjoy all the school has to offer. Please remember to go to Harris in your Brady school uniform, on Wednesday you should arrive there wearing your Brady PE kit, don't forget to bring your pack lunch each day and a pen ready for your classes. If you are not going to Harris next week, I will see you on Monday, like usual. Have a wondering weekend, remember to read 5 times, practise your spellings and utilise times table rockstars.