Miss Bates - 11 Jun 2023
What a great week back for our last half term year 6!
We have been busy with our writing this week: we have been researching Isle of Wight and creating a leaflet to persuade others to go. The children have thoroughly enjoyed researching all the IOW has to offer as well as all the excursions they will be going on next week!
In Science, we have continued with our work on evolution and inheritance to look at extinct animals and their similar features to modern day animals - we researched fossils and how they are formed.
In Geography, we used atlases to research Mexico, looking at the hemisphere it is in, what continent it is on, as well as human and physical geographical features. The children were able to draw their own map of Mexico and accurately place all of these features on!
We are looking forward to going to Isle of Wight next week, please remember to bring all medication with you on Monday at 8AM, with your child’s name on, the dosage given and how often. Any money the children would like to bring also needs to be in either a wallet or envelop with your child’s name on and the amount of money enclosed. A reminder that no electronics are allowed on our trip. It is expected to be hot while we are away so all children are asked to bring a backpack, a hat, sun cream and a water bottle to carry around with them during the day.
Looking forward to seeing all of you next week!