Miss Bates - 26 May 2023
Well done year 6 for a fantastic last week of term.
I'm so proud of how hard you have been working and it has been wonderful to see the fantastic pieces of writing you were able to produce over the last few weeks.
We have had a busy week looking through our science topic of 'animals and inheritance', focusing on how offspring are different to their parents and siblings. We have even had a chance to create a new species by taking features from different animals and have written newspaper articles about our new discovery!
In art, the children have been looking at fine details when sketching in colour. Yesterday, the children went outside to sketch details of plants (the stem, leaves, petals etc) and had a brilliant time choosing which plants they would be focusing on.
We have also undertaken a weeklong task in maths where the children were asked to plan and create a playground. We used our knowledge of 2D and 3D shapes to create a birdseye view before moving onto a model.
Please have a relaxing half term, remembering to read 5 times a week. I look forward to seeing you back for our last half-term before you move onto secondary school!