Miss Bates - 21 Mar 2023
Well done year 6 for being so dedicated during the last two weeks. We have been busy with our class assembly as well as our SATs practice but it has been fantastic to see how hard you have been working throughout it all.
We have been working on our comprehension skills, looking at vocabulary choices in the text and their meaning as well as what 'impression' we get from what we have read. It is important that to improve this comprehension knowledge as much as possible that the children are reading at home and being asked questions about what they have read.
In GPS, we have been trying a few unseen spelling words from our 'ninja spelling words' sheet to see how we can apply our knowledge to words we have not practiced.
We have also been working on the placement of punctuation in sentences and how to improve sentences by adding in punctuation.
In maths, we have been working to apply our knowledge of fractions and decimals to percentages, focusing on finding percentages of an amount. We have looked to develop our reasoning skills by reading worded problems and picking out the key operation it is asking for.
As many of you may know, we have not long finished our assessment week and I am so proud of how hard the children have been working so far! We only have a few more weeks to go before we take our SATs so this hard work needs to continue.
I will attach some useful documents/ websites to access at home for any work you would be able to do from now until our SATs. As always, please continue to read and use TTRS 5 times a week to develop comprehension and timestables knowledge.
I look forward to seeing many of you at our parent consultations this Thursday, I hope you all have a wonderful week.
-Explain answers with evidence from the text CRS.pdf-
-True or False CRS.pdf-
-Number the events CRS.pdf-