Miss Bates - 03 Mar 2023
Well done year 6 for coping with such a busy week, I’m really proud of how hard you have all been working!
We have had lots to fit in this week, including World Book Day, which has been an opportunity for us to discuss our favourite books and write a piece of persuasive writing, convincing the reader to choose their book! It was lovely to see you all dressed up as your favourite characters as well and I’m glad we enjoyed our class game of ‘Where’s Wally’.
Along the vein of reading, we have looked closer at the poem ‘The Lady of Shalott’, making inferences from the text and we have used this as the basis for our narrative piece of writing. We have been learning about key skills (how to use speech) and have planned how we can include our key skills within our narrative piece of writing.
In maths, we have continued our learning of decimals, looking at multiplying by 10, 100, 1000 and I am pleased at how confident the children have been with this! I have sent home some homework on this topic as we will be moving onto ‘fractions, decimals and percentages’ as our next topic, and it would be lovely to see all the children confident with decimals before moving forward.
In science this week, we have been looking at how blood vessels can become blocked by fatty deposits/ build up. We investigated this by looking at the flow of the blood through some cups with different sized holes in the bottom and recording the time it took for the blood (juice) to travel through the cup. We also discussed how this fatty build up is caused and what we can do to prevent it.
In history, the children looked at different technological advances during World War 2 and how these advances in weaponry changed the war.
As always, please continue to read and use TTRS 5 times a week. It is really important that the children are confident with their times tables as these impacts so many other areas of their maths! It is also important that, when reading, the children are asked questions about their text to develop their understanding (particularly their inferences skills, e.g. ‘How is the character feeling? How do you know that? What evidence from the text can you find to tell you the character is feeling that way?’)
The children have gone home today with homework on decimals (as stated earlier) as well as new spellings. I have also sent home a spelling sheet with common year 6 spellings which will be helpful practise for their SATs (I will attach the document below). During their SATs spellings, the children will not have a chance to practise in the lead up, so whilst their weekly spelling test is important in learning spellings with specific sounds, it is also helpful to have a try at home with words the children have not had a chance to look at previously. If possible, pick 5-10 words a day for your child to spell (should take no more than 10 minutes), any words they are unable to spell, circle them on the sheet then ask them to write this word out to practise at home. After a few days, come back to this difficult spelling to see whether they have remembered it.
As a reminder, our class assembly of World War 2 will take place on this coming Thursday (9
th March) at 9:15. Please do not go out and buy any new clothes for this performance! On Monday, I will send home of list of what children can wear based on their role in the assembly, but I am very mindful that this is taking place during their P.E day so will ask for clothing that is suitable (e.g. black/ grey tracksuit bottoms).
I hope you all have a restful weekend and will see you on Monday!
-Year 6 Spelling Words.pdf-