Miss Bates - 03 Feb 2023
Well done year 6 for another brilliant week! Only one more to go before we break for half term!
In English this week, we have been writing our war time poems, focusing on the number of syllables per line and how our poems would sound when read aloud. We have looked at including emotive language and literary devices to improve our work further.
In maths, we have continued our work with ratio and moved onto looking at function machines to prepare for our work with algebra. The children have done well to apply their existing knowledge of inverse to problem solve function machines with missing inputs.
In shared reading, we have been continuing our work with Friend and Foe, looking at making predictions on the last chapter of the text, ordering events and comparing how each character is feeling about helping the German soldiers to escape.
In science this week, we have looked at how light can be separated in a spectrum of colours using a prism. We investigated this by shining a torch through the prism and looking at the refraction that was produced.
In history, we have recapped our existing knowledge of WW1 and used this to order events in chronological order.
As always, the children are expected to read to an adult at home 5 times a week and should be accessing times table rockstars for 10 minutes a day, 5 days a week. New homework has gone out today (some sheets were left behind so please collect these from me on Monday Year 6 if you find that you are missing them) and new spellings have also gone home today.
I hope you all have a relaxing weekend and look forward to seeing you all next week!