Miss Bates - 24 Jan 2023
Hello year 6!
Just an update for our last week of learning.
In maths last week, we started looking at ratios, in particular the language used, the ratio symbol and comparing ratios to fractions. We will be continuing with this learning throughout this current week building on our understanding of scale factors and recipes.
In English, we finished off our diary entry imagining we were 'David' from our core text (Friend or Foe). We focused our writing on emotive language, imaging how David would feel evacuating from London.
In science, we looked at how light travels from the source, to an object, then to our eyes to be able to see. We then moved onto looking at shadows and which type of objects make the darkest shadows.
In computing, we have been looking at the format of a blog post and what that would normally include. We reasesrch controversial topics (should phones be allowed in class; should school uniform be banned; what's better, a teacher or the internet.) and used our research to have debates with peers before we come onto writing our blog posts this current week.
New spellings were given out on Friday, along with new homework which is due back in this Friday (27th). As always, children are expected to read 5 times a week to an adult and be on timestable rockstars for 10 minutes a time, 5 times a week.
I hope you all had a lovely weekend!