Miss Bates - 11 Nov 2022
Well done year 6 for working really hard this week!
In maths this week, we have moved onto looking at fractions! The children have been working hard to recap converting mixed numbers to improper fractions (and vice versa) and we all ordering fractions on a number line. It was lovely to see how much information the children could recall from last year and apply to new problems.
In English, we have been writing up our biography of Jim’s life, reflecting on everything the boy had to go through at such a young age. We have also been continuing our work with our poem ‘From the Railway Carriage’, using our understanding of the format with some of us looking to write the next verse.
In Science this week we have been continuing with our topic ‘Living things and their Habitats’. The children have been learning about how to tell if something is a living thing by remembering the mnemonic “MRS GREN”. We have also looked at the 6 different kingdoms and have made fact files for these.
In geography, the children have been looking at similarities and differences between the Artic and Antarctic looking for key categories such as the wildlife in both, whether they are habited by humans, what hemisphere they are in etc.
New spellings have been given out this week along with a piece of homework (comprehension text) which will need to come back next Friday. As usual, the children will need to be reading aloud to an adult 5 times and week and should be spending 10 minutes a day (5 days a week) on Times table rockstars.
I hope you all have a relaxing weekend!