Miss Bates - 04 Nov 2022
Well done year 6 for such a great week back after half term!
It was lovely to see you all working so hard during your first week back and produce some really great work.
We have been continuing looking at the Street Child and have spent our English lessons this week planning our biographies for Jim, which we will be writing next week.
We have also been looking at a new poem in our shared reading called 'The Railway Carriage' where children have been deciphering the meaning and highlighting the different literary devices they can see.
In maths this week, we have come to the end of a topic (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division) covering the last few lessons of 'order of operations' (BIDMAS), 'mental maths strategies' and 'reasoning from known facts'. The children have been working really hard on this topic across the last half term and next week we will be starting our new topic of 'fractions'!
In science this week, we have moved onto our new topic of 'living things and their habitats'. The children spent time looking at how to classify items into different categories by asking questions, then tested their knowledge by classifying liquorice (see the pictures below). We then went onto apply this understanding to our knowledge of animals. Looking at 5 key classifications of animals (mammals, birds, insects, fish, reptiles, amphibians) and deciding whether these would be vertebrates or invertebrates.
The children enjoyed moving onto their new topic in Geography of 'frozen kingdoms' where they looked at lines of latitude and longitude and marked key aspects on a globe.
New homework has been sent out tonight which is a combination of maths questions, all of which the children have recently covered in class. New spellings have also been sent home ready for next Friday, and as always, children should be reading aloud to an adult 5 times a week and using timestable rockstars 5 times a week for at least 10 minutes a day.
I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!