Miss Bates - 21 Oct 2022
Happy half-term!
Well done year 6. You have shown great determination this half-term and I am so proud of you all. The roles and responsibilities in year 6 can be a lot to handle, but I am happy to say you have all stepped up to the challenge.
It was lovely to see you all developing your team work skills during DT this week, as we designed a tent to survive the different elements. The children had the chance to make their designs today using paper, straws and tape, I'll attach some pictures of the finished products below!
In English, we came to the end of our text 'Street Child', which the children loved, and we were all pleased to see the main character, Jim, get the happy ending he deserved. When we come back after half term, the children will create a biography of Jim's life based on the book, now that we have finished it. We have also been focusing on grammar this week as the children looked at both relative clauses and active/ passive sentences.
In maths, we have been spending time looking at long division which is often 3/4-digit numbers divided by a 2-digit number. The children have been working really hard to apply their knowledge of timestables to these questions and are getting to a point where they are becoming consistently accurate with their answers.
I have sent the children home with a couple of pieces of homework to keep them occupied but they will have until the first Friday back after half-term (4th) to hand them in. The first piece coming home is an active/ passive sentences worksheet, the second is an operations worksheet for maths. The children are also being sent home with a step by step guide on how to answer long division questions which they can use to help them.
As always, the children will need to practise their new spellings, read aloud to an adult and sign this in their reading record 5 times a week and should be on timestables rockstars 5 times a week, for a minimum of 10 minutes each time.
I hope you all have a wonderful half-term and get some much-needed rest!