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Week 3 Spring 1 5S
24 Jan 2025
Well done for another great week, Year 5!
In Maths, we concluded our unit of Multiplication and Division (part B). The children has shown good resilience throughout this unit, and have done very well with using methods such as short division. A concept that they are still finding a little complicated is long multiplication, so they have all received some homework to practise with adults at home, in order to boost their confidence.
In English, the children wrote their final drafts of their diary entry. They completed some detailed, informative plans first, and used those to guide the writing of their first drafts. They then took time to edit and uplevel their first drafts, using feedback from their peers to help this. This enabled the class to write some brilliant final drfats, incorporating first person thoughts and feelings, as well as using apostrophes correctly and writing in the past tense.
In Art, we have been working on creating shade and light using different types of medium. We focussed on using white chalk on black paper this week, and the children did an amazing job! There were some brilliant pieces of art work created.
Happy weekend.