Year 5 Spring Term - Week 2
13 Jan 2022
Another week has gone by in the blink of an eye...
This week we dived deeper into our topic of Peasants, Princes and Pestilence.
We used atlases and historical accounts to track the movement of The Black Death across Asia, to Europe and studied when it impacted The British Isles.
English Writing
Using thesaruses to assist us, we created word banks and mind-maps of interesting synonyms that we could use to describe the character of 'Death', 'Plague' or 'Pestilence'. We practised writing consistently in the present tense and then wrote a desriptive paragraph using all of these skills.
We have continued with our formal written methods for long multiplicaiton and short division.
Building on previous lesson about filtering, evaporating and sieving, we conducted an investigation to see how heat affects the dissolving of a solid to form a solution.
We used our prior leanring to help us read and understand a story that was written entirely in French.