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Year 5 14.10.22
Miss Line & Mr Whybrow - 14 Oct 2022
This week we finished our work on addition and subtraction, and began working on multiplication and division. We have looked at multiples, common multiples and factors. Next week we will be looking at squared and cubed numbers.
In English this week we finalised the final draught of our non-chronological report and have started working on improving our grammar, beginning with some work revising the s, es, and ies suffixes, as well as some irregular plural nouns.
In History we have begun planning presentations on various aspects of ancient Egypt which we will deliver in next week’s lesson. In preparation for the presentations, we are continuing to develop our research skills, as well as learning how to make a basic slideshow using Google Slides.
In Science we continued our work on materials and carried out an experiement to test the solubility of different materials.