Year 5S - Miss Smith Class News

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Year 5 Week 12

03 Dec 2021

This week the results of the children's assessments were shared with them so they could all see the fantastic progress they are making while also recognising their own areas for development.

For our new topic in Computing (We are cryptographers) we have studied how people sent secret messages to one another without the use of electrical methods. To do this we took part in a practical semaphore activity using laminated flags. Children learnt to spell their own names using this signaling technique.

Slide Show 


For our activities in shared reading, we studied and interpreted the famous children's poem 'The Tyger' by William Blake. We certainly found the poetic language a challenge to understand!

This week also marked the end of our 'Area and Perimeter' maths topic. We have completed an end of block assessment to track our progress. For the final few weeks of term we will be focusing on mental and written artihmetic, as well as our identified areas for development based on our assessment data.

A big thank you to all of you who digitally attended our parent meetings over Zoom. It was lovely to put names to faces and discuss the progress the children are making. We understand how important it is that you are aware of how your children are doing in school. Hopefully in the Spring term we can meet face to face and discuss progress while you are able to browse through your child's exercise books.

Mr. S

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