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Week 6

14 Feb 2019


This week in Year 5, children have been learning about position and direction. We learned how to line dance to improve our understanding of language for translation. We then learned how to translate shapes on a grid and describe the translation between one shape to another.


This week, the children continued their learning with Macbeth. They have been role played a scene between Macbeth and Lady Macbeth to help them with their understanding of writing speech. Their hot write this week has been to write a narrative based on the opening scene of Macbeth. The children did so well in this, I have written two examples below.

Upon the miserable, dark moor, lightning pounded onto the ground and the great thunder banged, roared and rattled. The air smelled like sour apple and so toxic any life would drop like flies. The rain showered over the land, bringing fear to whatever it touched. It felt liked shedding tears shimmering in the dark, upon the bitter cauldron.

Towering over it, were three ghastly witches. They were known as the three weird sisters. As they looked over at their caukldron, the firs sister began mumbling then the second sister started singing a deafly rhyme, and the last sister ended the mysterious curse by joining hands with her sisters. In five seconds the spell was complete when suddenly they were interrupted by the sound of horses hooves pounding like a drum.

"Something wicked this way comes," wheezed one of the tired witches. In the middle of the fog came a shadow of a noble man yet audacious on horse back. Then came one of his most loyal friend (Banquo) who was also on horse back.

Macbeth swaggered through the fog, while his friend followed. But in the corner of Macbeth's eye, he noticed three hideous witches. He warned his friend and stuttered,
"Banquo, do you see what I see?" No words to say, Banquo nodded. Suddenly the witches teleported in front of Macbeth, he backed up in the dark for safety. Macbeth was a strong man, he was courageous and bold. He also had muscular arms and broad shoulders.

By Grace

Upon the dark, gloomy heath the sunshine had disappeared as if it had gone to bed! The thunder roared, boomed and crashed. The ground had chrewed all life around the mor. Rain was a shower of acid and disintergrating all happiness from the world. The naked, lifeless trees stod with their branches up like they had surrendered to a lost battle. Right in the centre of an open area, stood a rusted, black metal cauldron standing on its last, weak hinges.

Tightly spaced around the caldron stood three deformed women of the storm, who were chanting their wicked potitions. Until they were interrupted by the sound of hoofbeats directing an ominous rhythm.

"Something wicked this way comes," one of the witches cried, as two outlines of big, broad men approached.

"All half Macbeth, Thane of Glamis, and soon to be Cawdor!" all the three witches cackled.

"What do you unhuman cretures speak of? Stay to tell us more, " Macbeth's strong, corageous voice said, "How could I be Thane of Cawdor, he is alive and well. That is impossible."

As Macbeth spoke, his broad shoulders stood up straight like a predator of mother nature.

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