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Nursery Spring 1 Week 3
Mrs Divall - 24 Jan 2025
This week in nursery we have had a wonderful week finishing up our Journey project. The children have blown us away with their thoughts and comments about the story and we have enjoyed a massive range of activities linked to this book over the last few weeks - some favourites were the waterfalls, colour mixing bottles and the paper mache hot air balloons!
Well done to all our little learners who have brought in amazing homework from home. It is amazing and all up on our wall! Thank you parents for the big effort you have put in too.
Also thank you to all of you who have sent in your proud clouds (we love sharing them in class) and completed the Google form questionnaire. We will look closely at the results and discuss with the wider Brady team anything we can reflect upon from your comments.
Many of the children have started learning phonics (letter sounds) in nursery. We have been playing initial sound games, matching phoneme to graphemes and some of us have even been attempting to form the letters.
Our counting skills are ever improving, we have been busy counting all sorts of things this week! Remember to practise counting at home as a bit of fun and also to notice numbers in the environment.
We want to plant some pretty hardy winter/spring flowers in a couple of our big planters to water. If anyone has any to donate that would be wonderful.
We also want to say thank you very very much for the kind donations we have received recently of PE equipment and toys. We are as a community very grateful for this.
Next week we will be learning about Chinese New Year. The following week we will theme to Winter Wonderland and the last week of term shall be Dinosaurs.