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Miss Burgess Update for Week Ending 3/12

06 Dec 2021

Last Week, In Nursery, we have been learning about different houses and homes. We have had lots of circle time with children eager to come to the front and talk all about their favourite room in their house and what they do in that room. The class are really developing their speaking and listening skills during this time as they listen respectfully while their friends are talking.

Singing rehearsals were also a key part of our week.  As you are now aware, the EYFS Christmas Performance will now unfortunately be virtual but we are still working hard to learn the lines to our two songs; Jingle Bells and Twinkle Twinkle. Feel free to also sing these at home 😊

This week, we will focus our learning around the festive season with one of our class books being one of my favourites; The Jolly Christmas Postman. In maths, we will be specifically focusing on counting and comparing amounts.
Reminders and Information:
  • Christmas Dinner and Jumper Day: Wednesday 8th December
  • Class Christmas Party- In the Nursery we will be having two Christmas parties to ensure all children are able to participate in the fun! The first will be on Tuesday 14th December in the Morning and Thursday 16th of December in the afternoon. Letters going out this week with more information.
  • Phonics and how to support this at home: following conversations with many parents I am going to provide a little information about Phonics in Nursery. As we move into the New Year, my hope is that we will be able to meet more formally to go through this in detail.

In January, we will be looking at rhyme and rhythm, alliteration, voice sounds and developing blending skills. These are key things you may wish to look at over Christmas as they strongly underpin the skills that are needed to apply decoding skills and become independent readers. It is also important to do this in a fun and engaging way to ensure your child maintains their love of reading and learning. Below are some ideas you can take part in at home if you wish to:
Rhyme and Rhythm: 
  -Rhythm and Rhyme Home Learning Challenge Nursery FS1.pdf-  

  -Alliteration Home Learning Challenge Sheet.pdf-  

Voice sounds: 
  -Voice Sounds EYFS Home Learning Challenge Sheet Nursery FS1.pdf-  

Oral blending and segmenting: 

We will also then introduce some initial sounds and learn about these slowly at the pace of the children. At Brady, we follow the RWInc scheme. Please look at the video below for the correct pronunciation if you wish to further support this at home: 
The Order of Teaching: Set 1 Speed Sounds: these are sounds written with one letter:
m a s d t i n p g o c k u b f e l h r j v y w z x
and sounds written with two letters (your child will call these ‘special friends’): sh th ch qu ng nk ck
Each sound has a particular rhyme to coincide with correct formation, you may have heard your child saying, ‘Maisie, mountain, mountain’ as they attempt to write ‘m’ – this is all a part of the RWI scheme.Please do not over load your children with information about the initial sounds now, but rather focus on the rhyme and rhythm, alliteration and information provided above as the will support them into the new year when we make the initial sound development a bigger focus. Please remember that developing your child’s love of reading will be the best way to encourage your child’s passion for learning to read. 


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