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Miss Burgess Update 11/02

11 Feb 2022

The last few weeks in Nursery have been a little different compared to our usual routine. However, the children have been so resilient in the face of change and welcomed new members of staff with open arms into our classroom. I am so proud of them and happy that I was able to come back to share these last few days before half term with them.

Over the last few weeks, the children have been really busy learning about Chinese New Year and all about the weather with Mrs Divall. As this year is the year of the tiger, we had lots of fun learning about this animal and decorated our own Chinese lanterns. We chose to use red as our main colour, as this colour is believed to bring luck in the Chinese New Year.

I would also like to apologise for postponing our ‘Animal Day.’ This is something I really wanted to make a special day for the children and so I look forward to celebrating this with them on our first Wednesday back to school, Wednesday 23rd February.

Our topic next half term is going to be Lifecycles, you will receive an information pack within the first dew days back containing homework and upcoming events and information about PE sessions so please keep an eye out as we will put this in the children’s bags.
Have a wonderful half term and enjoy looking over the pictures below,
Miss Burgess 😊












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