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Nursery Home Learning. Week 3

06 Apr 2020

Hello Nursery, 

I hope you are all keeping well and safe. I've loved receiving pictures and emails from you showing me what you have been up to. Don't forget to sign up to Brady's twitter page too- this is updated regularly and you might be able to spot a few friends there.

Yesterday, I took a trip to Queen's hospital to donate Easter eggs which had been bought for the Nursery children to hand out before the holidays. They were very grateful to the children. Why not see if you can design your own Easter egg? Or make some yummy rice crispy cakes!

Take care and I hope we all get to see each other soon.
Mrs Degun x


Evie, I love your drawing and your Rainbow in the window! 



Rayan has been busy using his fine motor skills. I love the truck you painted for me!




Khloe has been hard at work; your creations look super imaginative. Well done on working on your pencil control. I love seeing that you are practicing how to form your numerals and your name too!








Sophie, you definitely look ready for Easter! I love your bonnet and your basket too :)


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