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Week 3 Spring 2 5S
14 Mar 2025
Well done for another fantastic week, Year 5.
This week, in English, we have been continuing preparing to write our balanced argument. We recapped grammar features such as adverbials and learn wha causal conjunctions are, and how to use them in our writing. The pupils then wrote their plans and then their first drafts. They did a brilliant job of showing neutrality throughout their arguments, whilst then using 1st person to deliver their final conclusions.
In RE, we have have concluded our topic on fairness and what different religions believe about charity. Our final lesson focussed on Christianity, and the celebration of Pentecost. The class did an excellent job of summarising what they had learnt about Pentecost, including what the Holy Spirit represents and who Jesus asked to spread the message.
For our Geography lessons, we have been looking at different uses of land for different types of farming. This week, we focussed on agriculture in North and South America. We explored the different climate zones of both of the continents, and used that knowledge to help us work out what type of farming would be done in each area. After that, we then looked specifically at citrus farming in California, including different types of oranges grown there and where the produce would be shipped to.
Happy weekend!