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Week 1 Spring 2 5S
28 Feb 2025
Well done for an excellent first week back, Year 5!
This week, we started a new unit in Reading, where we are reading the classic poem The Highwayman. We read part 1 this week, and worked on a range of comprehension skills, such as inference and explanation questions. The children have done a brilliant job of understanding some new vocabulary.
In English, we also started a new unit. This unit is focussed on preparing to write a balanced argument. We started the unit by holding an in-class debate! The children were split into two groups: one for and one against. The topic that they were debating was whether or not children should have homework. The class put forward some strong arguments on both sides, and used some complex terminology whilst debating. We also looked at a WAGOLL of a balanced argument, and recapped writing in the first, second and third person.
In RE, we were learning about Christianity. The focus of our lesson was larning about how Christians view God and how they use The Bible. The pupils had a lot of prior knowledge about this topic, and shared some great ideas. We then lead through a few passages/stories from The Bible, and the children chose one in their groups to re-enact!
Happy weekend.