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Week 7 Autumn 1 5S
17 Oct 2024
Well done for another great week, 5S.
In English, we have begun a new unit. This unit has been focussing on building up to write a narrative, and we have been recapping skills such as using a variety of description, verbs and using the senses to heighten our description. Our writing unit is based on a time traveller, who visits a museum and then gets transported back to Ancient Egypt via a portal. The children have been using some brilliant vocabulary and a variety of sentence starters.
In History, we ended our unit on Pharaohs looking at the life and death of one of the most famous figures in history: Cleopatra. The children have shown an amazing engagement with this topic, and I have been so impressed with their knowledge. We learnt all about Cleopatra's amazing life, the trials and tribulations she faced, and how she overcame the issues she faced. We also investigated the different ways that historians believe Cleopatra's life ended.
For our Music lessons, we have been learning the song 'What shall we do with the drunken sailor?'. The children have been brilliant in this unit, and have picked up the tune, rhythm and beat of the song very quickly. This week, we used glockenspiels to practice different chords, such as C major and A minor, to fit in with our song.
Just a reminder, we have got out Shared Learning on Tuesday 22nd October in the afternoon.
Happy weekend.