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Week 5 Autumn 1 5S

04 Oct 2024

Well done for another great week, Year 5.

In History, we have been continuing learning all about life in Ancient Egypt. This week, we investigated the mummification process, as well as looking at what the Egyptians believed happened after death. The children also used books and chromebooks to research a famous pharaoh, and they created some brilliant posters all about them.

This week in Science, we have bene looking at air and water resistance in more depth, under our topic of Forces. The children were testing out various types of shoe to see which soles created the most/least amount of friction. They did very well with using scientific vocabulary, including explaining how they would make the experiment a fair test.

We began our first RE unit of Year 5 this week. We began by looking at the questions 'what is wisdom?'. The children did extremely well with using their deep thinking skills, and I was very impressed with their answers about the difference between being clever and being wise. Well done Year 5!

Happy weekend.
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