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Weeks 1 and 2 Autumn 1 Year 5

11 Sep 2024

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 What a brilliant first two weeks back, Year 5. 
5S have come back after the summer holidays extremely well and settled into both old and new routines quickly. 

In the first two weeks, we have started new units across the curriculum. In Maths, we have started our Place Value unit. We have been looking at numbers up to 1,000,000, including rounding, placing numbers on a number line and looking at 10/100/1000/10000/100000 more or less of a number. The children have shown great resilience in this topic, and have used their previous knowledge to boost their confidence with trickier concepts.

In English, we have begun our unit preparing to write a Newspaper Report. We have looked at how we use and include both direct and indirect speech. We have recapped using inverted commas correctly. including where and what punctuation to use. Next week, the children will be planning their writing, as well as editing/uplevelling their first draft, before writing their final draft. 

For our Reading lessons, we have begun reading the novel Beowulf, by Michael Morpurgo. We are continuing using and improving on our VIPER skills, with a focus on inference and explanation skills. The children have been engaged in this novel, showing a real interest as the plot develops. They have done very well in making predictions about characters and the next step in the story.

Below are some pictures of our Art lesson, exploring tints, tones and shades within landscapes, as well as our Music lesson.

Happy weekend.
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